Tuesday 22 December 2020

21. Democracy and Equality


21. Democracy and Equality


I. Answer the following questions in 1-15 words:

1. What do you understand by democracy?

2. What do you know about the 'Rule of Law’?

3. What is the importance of universal adult franchise?

4. What do you mean by Presidential form of government?

5. What is the importance of public opinion in democracy?

6. In which country there is still 'Direct Democracy’?

II. Answer the following questions in 50-60 words:

1. Write short note on the emergence of democracy.

2. Write about the emergence of the principle of equality?

3. Where and when democracy emerged?

4. Write name of four types of democracy on the basis of classification?

5. What do you mean by 'Parliamentary Democracy’?

6. Write about any two features of the Democracy.

7. Write your views about Economic and Social equality?

8. Why democracy is the most popular form of government in modern times?

III. Fill in the Blanks:

1. India is a-------- Republic.

2. The nominal Executive head of Central Govt. is and heads of state Govt's are------? 

3. Democracy originated in City of----------. 

4.  -----------is the country where there is Direct Democracy.

5. The basic principle of Democracy is-------- and-----------.

 IV. True/False:


1. India is a democratic Republic.



2. Switzerland is the only country where there is Direct Democracy.



3. To cast vote is a universal Adult Franchise to only some persons.



4. In a Democratic country Rule of Law prevails.



5. Modern Democracy has emerged firstly in France.


V. Multiple-Choice questions:

(Tick any right option from following questions)

1. Democracy is a government, "of the people, by the people and for the people." Who spoke these words?

(1) Abraham Lincoln

(2) Laski

(3) David Easten

2. Which is the most popular form of government in modern times.

(1) Dictatorship

(2) Democracy

(3) Miltary Rule

3. How many types of heads of state in democratic countries?

(1) Four

(2) Five

(3) Two



1. Prepare a list of 10 Democratic Countries.

2. Discuss about the success of Indian Democracy with your teacher.